Category: Pellucidar Campaign

  • Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Invaders from Russia and the East are targeting our forests, but they’re not bomb-throwing Reds: they’re the Leshi. Yes, the Nymphs and Hamadryads of storybook and legend are real and they’re invading woodlands all across the country, from the peaks of the Blue Ridge and the Smokies to the Ozarks; even the shade trees on…

  • Operation Black Flag: A Weird War Scenario

    Operation Black Flag: A Weird War Scenario

    This is a Weird World War II scenario I ran at Cold Wars 2023. It was played using modified Bolt Action/Konflikt ’47 rules, but I have tried to make this article more generic so that it can be used for other systems, perhaps NUTS! Weird War, Chain of Command, CrossFire, or even Flames of War…

  • Weird War at the Earth’s Core!

    Weird War at the Earth’s Core!

    I recently started a Substack where I’ll be sharing a lot of the stuff I’ve never published and don’t yet have the bandwidth to prepare for proper book formatting or crowdfunding. There will be considerable crossover with articles here on Splendor of Fire, but the idea of putting them on Substack is that it has…

  • Native Auxiliaries of German Pellucidar

    Native Auxiliaries of German Pellucidar

    Although all natives within Neuschwabenland und Hohlwelt are subject to the Kaiser, only pure ethnic Germans or half-breeds with at least one parent born in the Outer World are permitted to join the Imperial military proper. Any others equipped for military operations are formed into native auxiliaries. These units are organized, equipped, and trained according…

  • An Introduction to German Pellucidar

    An Introduction to German Pellucidar

    Since late 2022, almost all of the Weird World War II battles I’ve fought or GM’d have been part of a notional Hollow Earth campaign set in the 1940s of an alternate timeline festooned with antediluvean empires, psychics, dinosaurs, flying saucers, vampires, talking apes, and two-fisted pulp adventure. Much more will be said about this…