Tag: Nuts!

  • Operation Black Flag: A Weird War Scenario

    Operation Black Flag: A Weird War Scenario

    This is a Weird World War II scenario I ran at Cold Wars 2023. It was played using modified Bolt Action/Konflikt ’47 rules, but I have tried to make this article more generic so that it can be used for other systems, perhaps NUTS! Weird War, Chain of Command, CrossFire, or even Flames of War…

  • Picturesque Street Scenes

    Picturesque Street Scenes

    Here are some pictures of my most recent board, a truncated (4’x4′) street scene representing the interior of Unter-Innsbruck, which has been the locus of much fighting in our Weird War II Hollow Earth Campaign. While wargames inevitably focus on the military figures and hardware, I wanted to call out the civilian items here, as…