Tag: role playing games

  • Starset: The Great Dimming Universe Book Review

    Starset: The Great Dimming Universe Book Review

    Starset: The Great Dimming is a new tabletop sci-fi RPG with a 40k-inspired ‘grimdark’ theme but decidedly bright and positive aspirations.

  • Against the Normie Invasion

    Against the Normie Invasion

    Normal is not necessarily healthy and sane English is a funny language. Sometimes it uses the same word to mean one thing and also its near opposite, like ‘sanction’. ‘Nice’ once meant unrestrained immorality and cruelty, but modern usage now mistakes it as a synonym for ‘good’, but of course, good is not nice. And…

  • ‘Starships’ by Jeff Simons and Bruce Tatman

    ‘Starships’ by Jeff Simons and Bruce Tatman

    Starships was first published back in 1983 by Antioch Publishing, I got mine at a literal 5 and Dime store back in 1988 or so. I was five years old at the time and it captured my imagination sufficiently that 30 years later I sought out a shrink-wrapped copy that still contained the included stickers…