Tag: warhammer 40k

  • Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    The fallen stars teem with saurian peoples, and wherever humanity has encountered the variegated reptilian species, there has been war. The cold-blooded Reticulans who once preyed on ancient Terrans were the first to be hunted to extinction, but not the last. But fore every stinking, sweltering broodworld scoured, the Serpent arises on two more, forever…

  • R.O.A.C.H. Patrol!

    R.O.A.C.H. Patrol!

    The far-ranging Arqualan mechanized cavalry now have the mobility they need to patrol the vast, arid polar highlands of Xiandao thanks to the Recon/Offense Adaptable Configuration Harrier. (I love that bombastic, strained acronym. It reminds one of the G.I. Joe Killer W.H.A.L.E!) This is a resin print and, as far as I can remember, it…

  • Human Space: Arqualan the Glorious

    Human Space: Arqualan the Glorious

    Since Time Immemorial, Arqualan has been one of the great bastions of humanity. Competing legends hold that the world was terraformed by the first great wave of settlers from Earth or that it was seeded with human slaves by the Adversary who won their freedom even before the defeat of the Reticulans. Perhaps both are…

  • Human Space: The Dwarrow of Barbamenge

    Human Space: The Dwarrow of Barbamenge

    It was two and a half thousand years after the Harrowing of Reticuli when the armies of Sidereal Christianity first raised their swords against the Great Cyclops of Clyss and broke his ice-bound tyranny over Barbamenge. The miserable dwarven slaves whose ancestors, perhaps, like the Thongorim, once hailed from Earth, received the Gospel with great…

  • Beware the Ambull!

    Beware the Ambull!

    Shambling out of the steamy caverns of Luther McIntyre IX is the abominable Ambull. This Oldhammer classic is produced by Knightmare Miniatures, which you can watch a video about below: This is a five part pewter model (body, arms, and mandibles) that was wonderfully fast to paint with Speed Paints/Contrast Paints because of its extreme…

  • Starset: The Great Dimming Universe Book Review

    Starset: The Great Dimming Universe Book Review

    Starset: The Great Dimming is a new tabletop sci-fi RPG with a 40k-inspired ‘grimdark’ theme but decidedly bright and positive aspirations.

  • Choosing a Color Palette: Easymode

    Choosing a Color Palette: Easymode

    When it comes to converting the Gray Tide (or White or Black Tide, depending on your choice of primer), my biggest obstacle is figuring out how I should paint the miniature. Except for certain historical miniatures, I have avoided painting ‘box standard’ color schemes for years. I suppose there’s nothing actually wrong with following the…

  • Fire and Maneuver in Oldhammer

    Fire and Maneuver in Oldhammer

    In response to my post on fire and maneuver in Bolt Action, friend, author, and toy soldier enthusiast J.P. Medved alerted me to a page from the Codex: Imperial Guard back in Warhammer 40k 2nd edition that allows Guard squads to split up just as I described. Back in those days, the boxed IG squads…

  • The LIC Autonomous Drone Initiative. 3d printable miniatures

    The LIC Autonomous Drone Initiative. 3d printable miniatures

    Today I bring you a new kickstarter. The LIC Autonomous Drone Initiative. 3d printable miniatures As always I try to be transparent, I did receive The Piranha for free, on the caveat that I paint it up for the kickstarter. I printed The Piranha on my Ender-3. These files are not optimized for printing on…