Tag: a war transformed

  • Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Despite all the web traffic analysis to the contrary, people keep telling me they really do want to see pictures of my miniature work. I’ll take them at their word and share a variety of recent work, mostly along Weird War lines. First and most recent is this 3D printed Kelpie (a demonic, transforming water…

  • Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Invaders from Russia and the East are targeting our forests, but they’re not bomb-throwing Reds: they’re the Leshi. Yes, the Nymphs and Hamadryads of storybook and legend are real and they’re invading woodlands all across the country, from the peaks of the Blue Ridge and the Smokies to the Ozarks; even the shade trees on…

  • More Wilderness Fort

    More Wilderness Fort

    This week I’ve been working on my fort some more. Not much to update. Though I will say, I was right. The walls are a pain to print (see last week’s entry). The longer walls all mostly made it. The short walls were trash. Someone who is a better 3d printer than me, might be…

  • Fresh off the assembly line

    Fresh off the assembly line

    My output lately has been respectable, but very random. Today I finished six of these Conquest Games medieval archers that I bought for a very good price at Fall In! These are a hardplastic multipart kit. There were no instructions in the box, but all of the arms seem to be interchangeable with every body,…

  • Wargame Review: A War Transformed: WWI on the Doggerland Front

    Wargame Review: A War Transformed: WWI on the Doggerland Front

    I flip through the new Osprey’s Weird World War I wargame, “A War Transformed” so you can decide if you want to pick it up or not. This very evocative, Arthur Machen-inspired folk horror setting, combat rules, magic rituals, creatures, and army lists are discussed, including various cautions and highlights. If you want to support…