Tag: terrain

  • Constructing a Building Out of Index Card Boxes

    Constructing a Building Out of Index Card Boxes

    Ever since I picked up one of these Advantus Super Stacker index card boxes for its intended purpose of holding 3×5 notecards, I wanted to use it for wargaming terrain. It has several interesting visual details, most especially the girder-like lattice work on the sides, that make excellent architectural detail at scale. And as their…

  • Overgrown Sci-Fi Tower

    Overgrown Sci-Fi Tower

    This is a tower I intend to use for the Star Wars Miniatures Battles ‘cavern table‘ I showed previously. I don’t know what it is yet, exactly. It could be a generator, regional shield generator, holonet receiver, weather control, or a lot of other things. And that’s the beauty of building sci-fi or fantasy model…

  • Snow Day Workbench

    Snow Day Workbench

    I was hit by a relatively mild Nor’easter yesterday that nevertheless still resulted in being without electricity for almost 9 hours. Since I could not work, I spent the day playing outside with the kids and working on some hobby stuff. Star Wars Miniatures Battles is on my mind, particularly the scenario I hope to…

  • More Wilderness Fort

    More Wilderness Fort

    This week I’ve been working on my fort some more. Not much to update. Though I will say, I was right. The walls are a pain to print (see last week’s entry). The longer walls all mostly made it. The short walls were trash. Someone who is a better 3d printer than me, might be…

  • 28mm Chapel

    28mm Chapel

    My FDM printer (an Elegoo Neptune 3 — which is an absolute steal at Amazon right now, check the link) has been down for sometime due to a loose connection with the touch screen interface, which is a shame because it’s really a low-fuss printer (it has auto-bed leveling, auto-resume for power failures, and pauses…

  • Battle Masters’ Keep

    Battle Masters’ Keep

    Apropos my recent post about playing with toys, here is the Battle Masters’ stone keep that I finally painted after all these years. Whether you consider Battle Masters (the Milton Bradley/Games Workshop co-production and sequel to HeroQuest from the early ’90s) a ‘toy’ or a proper miniature wargame is a matter of personal taste, but…