Category: Homebrew

  • Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Despite all the web traffic analysis to the contrary, people keep telling me they really do want to see pictures of my miniature work. I’ll take them at their word and share a variety of recent work, mostly along Weird War lines. First and most recent is this 3D printed Kelpie (a demonic, transforming water…

  • Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Invaders from Russia and the East are targeting our forests, but they’re not bomb-throwing Reds: they’re the Leshi. Yes, the Nymphs and Hamadryads of storybook and legend are real and they’re invading woodlands all across the country, from the peaks of the Blue Ridge and the Smokies to the Ozarks; even the shade trees on…

  • Attack of the Devil’s Lettuce

    Attack of the Devil’s Lettuce

    I have had this plant monster from Crooked Dice Miniatures for quite a while. It was even mostly painted, but though I was happy with the color blends I got using Army Painter Speed Paints, I was unhappy with the depth of shadow. Unfortunately, I neglected to clean off the oil wash in time and…

  • Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    The fallen stars teem with saurian peoples, and wherever humanity has encountered the variegated reptilian species, there has been war. The cold-blooded Reticulans who once preyed on ancient Terrans were the first to be hunted to extinction, but not the last. But fore every stinking, sweltering broodworld scoured, the Serpent arises on two more, forever…

  • Human Space: The Dwarrow of Barbamenge

    Human Space: The Dwarrow of Barbamenge

    It was two and a half thousand years after the Harrowing of Reticuli when the armies of Sidereal Christianity first raised their swords against the Great Cyclops of Clyss and broke his ice-bound tyranny over Barbamenge. The miserable dwarven slaves whose ancestors, perhaps, like the Thongorim, once hailed from Earth, received the Gospel with great…

  • His Columbian Majesty’s Martian Lancers

    His Columbian Majesty’s Martian Lancers

    Now here‘s a weird war/alternate history that’s worth developing! What if the Americas achieved independence not as a league of republican English colonies, but a union of English, French, and Spanish under a Christian monarch, who later contends with the Old World powers over the frontier worlds of Mars and Venus? That’s all I have…

  • Operation Black Flag: A Weird War Scenario

    Operation Black Flag: A Weird War Scenario

    This is a Weird World War II scenario I ran at Cold Wars 2023. It was played using modified Bolt Action/Konflikt ’47 rules, but I have tried to make this article more generic so that it can be used for other systems, perhaps NUTS! Weird War, Chain of Command, CrossFire, or even Flames of War…

  • Human Space: St. Christopher’s Legion

    Human Space: St. Christopher’s Legion

    You have cried out in repentance and the kindly Lord has heard you; now hear His judgment.Do not pray for consolation. The blood of the innocent cries out louder than your prayers. No fast will avail you, for you have already glutted on the sins of ten lifetimes of men. There are no depths of…

  • Weird War at the Earth’s Core!

    Weird War at the Earth’s Core!

    I recently started a Substack where I’ll be sharing a lot of the stuff I’ve never published and don’t yet have the bandwidth to prepare for proper book formatting or crowdfunding. There will be considerable crossover with articles here on Splendor of Fire, but the idea of putting them on Substack is that it has…

  • Native Auxiliaries of German Pellucidar

    Native Auxiliaries of German Pellucidar

    Although all natives within Neuschwabenland und Hohlwelt are subject to the Kaiser, only pure ethnic Germans or half-breeds with at least one parent born in the Outer World are permitted to join the Imperial military proper. Any others equipped for military operations are formed into native auxiliaries. These units are organized, equipped, and trained according…