Tag: 3dprint

  • Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    The fallen stars teem with saurian peoples, and wherever humanity has encountered the variegated reptilian species, there has been war. The cold-blooded Reticulans who once preyed on ancient Terrans were the first to be hunted to extinction, but not the last. But fore every stinking, sweltering broodworld scoured, the Serpent arises on two more, forever…

  • R.O.A.C.H. Patrol!

    R.O.A.C.H. Patrol!

    The far-ranging Arqualan mechanized cavalry now have the mobility they need to patrol the vast, arid polar highlands of Xiandao thanks to the Recon/Offense Adaptable Configuration Harrier. (I love that bombastic, strained acronym. It reminds one of the G.I. Joe Killer W.H.A.L.E!) This is a resin print and, as far as I can remember, it…

  • Failed 3D Prints

    Failed 3D Prints

    You ever get 20 hours into a 3d print and then bam! A pile of spaghetti. Yeah, me too. Luckily, I have found a tool called Meshmixer. Meshmixer is a great little tool for fixing these things. I actually use it for quite a bit of things. Some of the creators I follow, love having…

  • The Hyperion – Sump Boat

    The Hyperion – Sump Boat

    More than wargaming, 3D printing is my favorite hobby. I love to see little toys just show up as if by magic. One of the games I’m looking at playing is A War Transformed from Osprey Publishing. In that vein, I’ve been looking for WW1 terrain looking pieces that can be used for other purposes.…

  • 28mm Chapel

    28mm Chapel

    My FDM printer (an Elegoo Neptune 3 — which is an absolute steal at Amazon right now, check the link) has been down for sometime due to a loose connection with the touch screen interface, which is a shame because it’s really a low-fuss printer (it has auto-bed leveling, auto-resume for power failures, and pauses…