Tag: silver bayonet

  • Wargaming (with Kids)

    Wargaming (with Kids)

    As I’ve said before, I picked up a copy of the Silver Bayonet Egypt, and it has a fun a little “solo” campaign. Being as I have no friends in real life, and being as I do have kids. I figured why not get them involved. I learned a few things from teaching my girls…

  • Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Despite all the web traffic analysis to the contrary, people keep telling me they really do want to see pictures of my miniature work. I’ll take them at their word and share a variety of recent work, mostly along Weird War lines. First and most recent is this 3D printed Kelpie (a demonic, transforming water…

  • Silver Bayonet Tools

    I picked up a copy of the Silver Bayonet Egypt a few weeks ago with the release here in these United States. I rarely play with all the rules, and according to Mister Wargaming, I’m missing a lot of stuff. And he’s probably correct. I picked up a couple of different sized wooden boards from…

  • Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Invaders from Russia and the East are targeting our forests, but they’re not bomb-throwing Reds: they’re the Leshi. Yes, the Nymphs and Hamadryads of storybook and legend are real and they’re invading woodlands all across the country, from the peaks of the Blue Ridge and the Smokies to the Ozarks; even the shade trees on…

  • Making a Skirmish Board

    Making a Skirmish Board

    If you can’t tell, I really like the Joe McCullough games. I’m probably a bit of a fan boy. I have been reading his new ‘zine called Old Bones. One of the issues had a scenario that was playable in the 2 of the 3 games I play (Stargrave, Silver Bayonet). I’ll pick up Frostgrave…

  • More Wilderness Fort

    More Wilderness Fort

    This week I’ve been working on my fort some more. Not much to update. Though I will say, I was right. The walls are a pain to print (see last week’s entry). The longer walls all mostly made it. The short walls were trash. Someone who is a better 3d printer than me, might be…

  • Wilderness Fort (Silver Bayonet Canada)

    Wilderness Fort (Silver Bayonet Canada)

    Welcome to my semi-weekly what I’ve been printing/review. Hey, look it’s a fort. I wonder why??? Oh, I know. Because the Silver Bayonet Canada (SBC) just came out. And I’ve always been a fan of the wild west, and pirates. And the early American period. This piece is called Small Wooden Fort – Tabletop Terrain…

  • The Silver Bayonet: Canada

    The Silver Bayonet: Canada

    I picked up a copy of the Silver Bayonet Canada on Thanksgiving for my Kindle. I thought I would give it a quick review, since I’m going to be printing new toys for the book anyways. So look forward to more 3d Printing reviews over the coming weeks. I’ve been a fan of Ash Barker…