Author: Orion

  • Wargaming (with Kids)

    Wargaming (with Kids)

    As I’ve said before, I picked up a copy of the Silver Bayonet Egypt, and it has a fun a little “solo” campaign. Being as I have no friends in real life, and being as I do have kids. I figured why not get them involved. I learned a few things from teaching my girls…

  • The Boer War 1899–1902 (Essential Histories) Review

    The Boer War 1899–1902 (Essential Histories) Review

    I told the rest of the guys that write for Splendor of Fire that I was going to become the WW1 expert, after I picked up a copy A War Transformed (AWT). A game that we have written about a few times. I still hope to get it on the table at some point, the…

  • Silver Bayonet Tools

    I picked up a copy of the Silver Bayonet Egypt a few weeks ago with the release here in these United States. I rarely play with all the rules, and according to Mister Wargaming, I’m missing a lot of stuff. And he’s probably correct. I picked up a couple of different sized wooden boards from…

  • Garbage (or another man’s treasure)

    Garbage (or another man’s treasure)

    It’s been awhile since I’ve written. I’ve been incredibly busy, and I haven’t had that much time to hobby lately. I have been experimenting with all the little treasures (otherwise known as garbage). This week’s craft brought to you by Elmer’s Clear Glue. (Not really, we don’t have any sponsorship, and I’m not writing for…

  • Frostgrave: Mortal Enemies

    Frostgrave: Mortal Enemies

    I just finished reading the newest Frostgrave supplement. This is a game that I was not aware of for the last few years, but one that I am very interested in getting on the table. I am working on some wizards, and some terrain right now. I am also working on using some EVA foam…

  • When Nightmares Come (Osprey Bluebook series)

    When Nightmares Come (Osprey Bluebook series)

    Last week I picked up a copy of When Nightmares Come by Patrick Todoroff.  It is a game of modern supernatural investigation.   Think Ghostbusters, Stranger Things, Scooby Doo.  The concept seems fun, and the rules seem pretty simple.    There are three character types, a warrior, a wizard, and a tinker/mechanic.  It uses a dice…

  • Trader’s Galaxy Tribes

    Trader’s Galaxy Tribes

    I’m all about supporting miniature companies that also release their wares as 3d files. I love some metal miniatures. I like plastic miniatures. But I love 3d printed minis. They are just cheaper to print, and I can digitally kitbash them as needed. Today I thought I would review the latest releases from Trader’s Galaxy.…

  • Failed 3D Prints

    Failed 3D Prints

    You ever get 20 hours into a 3d print and then bam! A pile of spaghetti. Yeah, me too. Luckily, I have found a tool called Meshmixer. Meshmixer is a great little tool for fixing these things. I actually use it for quite a bit of things. Some of the creators I follow, love having…

  • Madox Historical Miniatures: A Review

    Madox Historical Miniatures: A Review

    For many years, when I talked of miniature wargaming, I only knew Warhammer and Warhammer 40K. Being a young, punk kid, this was probably from a lack a knowledge and care. Now that I am an older, punk kid, I have found a whole genre of games, and books that I was not prepared for.…

  • Crystal Caverns

    Crystal Caverns

    As anyone who reads the site regularly knows, I’m a huge 3d printer. I don’t devote a lot of time to hobbying. And I can let my printer run, while I’m working, spending time with my family, or with my God. I prefer to spend my hobby time painting miniatures. Of course the point of…