Category: Xiandao Campaign

  • Human Space: The Xiandao Subsector

    Human Space: The Xiandao Subsector

    Presented below is a map of the wider Xiandao subsector, so players in Splendor of Fire’s own campaign might have a fuller grasp of the world’s strategic location, and it’s impact within the wider reach of Human-controlled space. As the Xiandao campaign, by the penmanship of Splendor of Fire’s columnists, rapidly expands into a full…

  • Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    The fallen stars teem with saurian peoples, and wherever humanity has encountered the variegated reptilian species, there has been war. The cold-blooded Reticulans who once preyed on ancient Terrans were the first to be hunted to extinction, but not the last. But fore every stinking, sweltering broodworld scoured, the Serpent arises on two more, forever…

  • Human Space: Arqualan the Glorious

    Human Space: Arqualan the Glorious

    Since Time Immemorial, Arqualan has been one of the great bastions of humanity. Competing legends hold that the world was terraformed by the first great wave of settlers from Earth or that it was seeded with human slaves by the Adversary who won their freedom even before the defeat of the Reticulans. Perhaps both are…

  • Human Space: The Dwarrow of Barbamenge

    Human Space: The Dwarrow of Barbamenge

    It was two and a half thousand years after the Harrowing of Reticuli when the armies of Sidereal Christianity first raised their swords against the Great Cyclops of Clyss and broke his ice-bound tyranny over Barbamenge. The miserable dwarven slaves whose ancestors, perhaps, like the Thongorim, once hailed from Earth, received the Gospel with great…

  • Human Space: St. Christopher’s Legion

    Human Space: St. Christopher’s Legion

    You have cried out in repentance and the kindly Lord has heard you; now hear His judgment.Do not pray for consolation. The blood of the innocent cries out louder than your prayers. No fast will avail you, for you have already glutted on the sins of ten lifetimes of men. There are no depths of…

  • Human Space: Thongorim

    Human Space: Thongorim

    Though taken for granted today, one of the most shocking revelations of the Terran diaspora to other worlds was the discovery of extraterrestrial human civilizations. These are races on other worlds with no obvious cultural, linguistic, or historical connection to Earth who nonetheless look like terrestrial humans. In fact, their DNA is so similar to the human baseline…

  • Campaign Update: Huaxia

    Campaign Update: Huaxia

    Due to the extreme vigor of the Richard’s Texas gaming group, I’m going to award the Huaxia theater the first update of the Xiandao campaign! The Pax Dei breached and decadent Xia devilry unleashed upon the wayward world! After the shocking defeats of the Ordo Celestia and the Order of the Precious Blood by the…

  • Know Your Enemy: The Yellow Bastard

    Know Your Enemy: The Yellow Bastard

    Decades of festering heresy and unpunished betrayal have destroyed the peace of Xiandao. The disloyalty and blasphemies of the (falsely so-called) Blessed Concordance are so widespread the faithful warrior can scarcely discern friend from foe. Thus, the chiefs of the Eighty World Alliance have prepared this report so that the stalwart defenders of Cross and…

  • Night of Tooth and Claw: War for Xiandao

    Night of Tooth and Claw: War for Xiandao

    The three days following the Second Battle of the Xia Highlands was a bloody series of engagements known as the Night of Tooth and Claw. A forbidden arsenal of Xenoforms has been unleashed across the Huaxia region by unknown parties, and the brotherhood of the Order of Our Lady of Jade, the praetorial guard of…

  • First Battle of Fire Island

    First Battle of Fire Island

    On the Night of Comets, over 90% of the satellites, stations, and ships visible form the polar regions of Xiandao were destroyed. Nothing was too small or innocuous to be spared the attention of the rebels who had taken over the planetary defense facilities, nor did they scruple over targeting civilians or even their own…