Tag: fantasy

  • Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Despite all the web traffic analysis to the contrary, people keep telling me they really do want to see pictures of my miniature work. I’ll take them at their word and share a variety of recent work, mostly along Weird War lines. First and most recent is this 3D printed Kelpie (a demonic, transforming water…

  • Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Invaders from Russia and the East are targeting our forests, but they’re not bomb-throwing Reds: they’re the Leshi. Yes, the Nymphs and Hamadryads of storybook and legend are real and they’re invading woodlands all across the country, from the peaks of the Blue Ridge and the Smokies to the Ozarks; even the shade trees on…

  • Attack of the Devil’s Lettuce

    Attack of the Devil’s Lettuce

    I have had this plant monster from Crooked Dice Miniatures for quite a while. It was even mostly painted, but though I was happy with the color blends I got using Army Painter Speed Paints, I was unhappy with the depth of shadow. Unfortunately, I neglected to clean off the oil wash in time and…

  • Weird War at the Earth’s Core!

    Weird War at the Earth’s Core!

    I recently started a Substack where I’ll be sharing a lot of the stuff I’ve never published and don’t yet have the bandwidth to prepare for proper book formatting or crowdfunding. There will be considerable crossover with articles here on Splendor of Fire, but the idea of putting them on Substack is that it has…

  • Mythic Americas Aztec & Nations Starter Set

    Mythic Americas Aztec & Nations Starter Set

    Nothing says Valentine’s Day like little toy soldiers killing each other on a tiny battlefield. I picked up the Mythic America’s Aztec and Tribal Nations Starter Set for said holiday. As with most reviews I do, there were some good things and some bad things. A couple of things with the Amazon listing. The models…

  • Across the Pond: PAW ’24

    Across the Pond: PAW ’24

    I’ve just remembered! The wargames show in Plymouth is on very soon! We should go – I know you’d like to! The Lady Lollard, my beautiful wife and Dune-esque mentat So it was then, that one overcast morning, on the Third of February, your humble correspondent and his wife travelled by public transportation into the…

  • I said the real Old World.

    I said the real Old World.

    Here at Splendor of Fire, we try to stay out of the filthy gutter world of Games Workshop product frenzy… …but it’s worth reminding those who may be experiencing pangs of excitement about something that was once good can still scratch that itch with other manufacturers. Indeed, some of whom are selling original sculpts from…

  • Poacher’s Grogs

    Poacher’s Grogs

    Several years ago now, my friend Jeff started DM’ing a D&D 5E (I know, I know! But hear me out…) campaign based on the Chain of Acheron campaign. We created our own characters, but Jeff kept the broad outline of the initial setting. It was quite ambitious and hopefully we’ll pick it up again, but…

  • Heroquest Monsters

    Heroquest Monsters

    My son has been playing Heroquest quite a bit over the last couple days, so I decided it was time to do paint some of those miniatures as one of his Christmas presents. I was inspired by RushTheWash’s technique, though I did not use the exact same colors. That’s right, these were painted almost entirely…

  • Fresh off the assembly line

    Fresh off the assembly line

    My output lately has been respectable, but very random. Today I finished six of these Conquest Games medieval archers that I bought for a very good price at Fall In! These are a hardplastic multipart kit. There were no instructions in the box, but all of the arms seem to be interchangeable with every body,…