Tag: wargaming

  • The Boer War 1899–1902 (Essential Histories) Review

    The Boer War 1899–1902 (Essential Histories) Review

    I told the rest of the guys that write for Splendor of Fire that I was going to become the WW1 expert, after I picked up a copy A War Transformed (AWT). A game that we have written about a few times. I still hope to get it on the table at some point, the…

  • Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Kelpie Steeds and Jagers

    Despite all the web traffic analysis to the contrary, people keep telling me they really do want to see pictures of my miniature work. I’ll take them at their word and share a variety of recent work, mostly along Weird War lines. First and most recent is this 3D printed Kelpie (a demonic, transforming water…

  • Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Defeat the Backyard Invasion

    Invaders from Russia and the East are targeting our forests, but they’re not bomb-throwing Reds: they’re the Leshi. Yes, the Nymphs and Hamadryads of storybook and legend are real and they’re invading woodlands all across the country, from the peaks of the Blue Ridge and the Smokies to the Ozarks; even the shade trees on…

  • Attack of the Devil’s Lettuce

    Attack of the Devil’s Lettuce

    I have had this plant monster from Crooked Dice Miniatures for quite a while. It was even mostly painted, but though I was happy with the color blends I got using Army Painter Speed Paints, I was unhappy with the depth of shadow. Unfortunately, I neglected to clean off the oil wash in time and…

  • Garbage (or another man’s treasure)

    Garbage (or another man’s treasure)

    It’s been awhile since I’ve written. I’ve been incredibly busy, and I haven’t had that much time to hobby lately. I have been experimenting with all the little treasures (otherwise known as garbage). This week’s craft brought to you by Elmer’s Clear Glue. (Not really, we don’t have any sponsorship, and I’m not writing for…

  • Human Space: The Xiandao Subsector

    Human Space: The Xiandao Subsector

    Presented below is a map of the wider Xiandao subsector, so players in Splendor of Fire’s own campaign might have a fuller grasp of the world’s strategic location, and it’s impact within the wider reach of Human-controlled space. As the Xiandao campaign, by the penmanship of Splendor of Fire’s columnists, rapidly expands into a full…

  • Constructing a Building Out of Index Card Boxes

    Constructing a Building Out of Index Card Boxes

    Ever since I picked up one of these Advantus Super Stacker index card boxes for its intended purpose of holding 3×5 notecards, I wanted to use it for wargaming terrain. It has several interesting visual details, most especially the girder-like lattice work on the sides, that make excellent architectural detail at scale. And as their…

  • Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    Lizzid Peeple Hilux

    The fallen stars teem with saurian peoples, and wherever humanity has encountered the variegated reptilian species, there has been war. The cold-blooded Reticulans who once preyed on ancient Terrans were the first to be hunted to extinction, but not the last. But fore every stinking, sweltering broodworld scoured, the Serpent arises on two more, forever…

  • R.O.A.C.H. Patrol!

    R.O.A.C.H. Patrol!

    The far-ranging Arqualan mechanized cavalry now have the mobility they need to patrol the vast, arid polar highlands of Xiandao thanks to the Recon/Offense Adaptable Configuration Harrier. (I love that bombastic, strained acronym. It reminds one of the G.I. Joe Killer W.H.A.L.E!) This is a resin print and, as far as I can remember, it…

  • Human Space: Arqualan the Glorious

    Human Space: Arqualan the Glorious

    Since Time Immemorial, Arqualan has been one of the great bastions of humanity. Competing legends hold that the world was terraformed by the first great wave of settlers from Earth or that it was seeded with human slaves by the Adversary who won their freedom even before the defeat of the Reticulans. Perhaps both are…